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Meet my new little knitted friend...Elijah.

He's pretty darn cute, right?  I've been meaning to post about him for a little bit.  I saw this knit pattern on ravelry.com.  If you haven't been over there, it's a great place to look for patterns and see what other knitters are doing. 

About half way through the first trimester of pregnancy, I got the itch to knit.  I love knitting and had been too sick to do anything but lay on the couch.  So, I found this little guy.  At that time, I thought I was for sure having a boy, so of course the little guy would be blue!  My friend, Liz, actually made Elijah in hot pink for her little girl and it's super cute.  Since then we've found out we are having a girl, but I think it's still okay to have a light blue elephant for a girl. 

The pattern is from Ysolda patterns.  It's a pretty fast knit, although I did have to teach myself how to knit with five double point needles.  I've been avoiding learning that because I pretty much always knit with two circular needles if I need to make something round.  But it worked out! 

I love handmade toys for kids.  I think it just makes them a little bit more special than buying something plastic that requires batteries at the store.  Not that there is anything wrong with plastic toys, but I definitely prefer handmade, wooden or soft toys.  Just a personal preference!

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